Yesterday I promised myself I would get my act together and do some preparatory drawings, in order to get on with photoshop pattern making next week. Famous last words!
Instead I took the bus to Colchester, and bought a foam circle, thread, stitch holders, bias binding, and a gelatin cross stitch grid. I then spent the afternoon applying bias binding to my round tea towels, and successfully stitched accurate words around the edge. I am not sure the words are right yet, but as a prototype it is pretty good.
I spent the evening very carefully pressing my knitted samples, and having been very disappointed with them, am now very pleased with the 3 completed so far. Two more to be done, and tonight I cast on the 4th sample.
So that accounts for my procrastination! And today, Sunday morning, I got up, fed the blackbirds, watered my new plants and started drawing. I have completed another version of my mincer on a collage background. All in all, good progress this weekend.
Background collage sheet |
Close up of one section, showing resist, pattern, colour layers |
Getting better as a basis, now it is cut up |
And the rest of the sheet. |
And a mincer drawn incompletely over one of the collage sections. |
This was a productive morning, so I felt quite content to entertain Maurice for Sunday lunch, before sitting down to start the fourth knitted sample in front of the tv, listening to James Bond!
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