Friday, 21 March 2014

A good few days then frustration

I had some positive feedback at art class.  The maslin pan on a grey ground got a  rave review.    The tea towels were legitimately criticised ( but I am going to ignore most it as I cannot deal with the level of detail required to rectify it!).

Red needs to be adjusted - agreed.
Try making it white.  No, I hate white.  
Don't use a binding around the edge, leave it raw.  No, I hate raw edges, tea towels never have raw edges, circular raw edges would go ragged very quickly and look shoddy.  
Don't put end of binding at top - too easily seen
Sew binding more accurately.  Maybe.  I doubt most people would see slight wobbles in the stitching, particularly when hung.

Then I went to uni and had a most frustrating day.  The studio was packed with a  print class, using the fan heaters, screen dryer, baker, steamer, so it was really hot.  I was told to roll my 40m roller towel onto a pole ready for printing.  I chose a short clean plastic pole, and carefully ironed and rolled it so the left edge was absolutely aligned to unwind perfectly on the printer.  And was then told I should have used a cardboard pole as only these ones fitted on the digital printer.

Then I tried to adjust the colour on my roller towel to get a less orange red.  Lisa could not remember how to set the printer to pick a standard colour, and suggested I create a selection of reds, do a test print, steam, wash and choose from that.  This is just too much bother.  It would take at least a week, and  would stress me out too much.  All I want to do is pick  from the sample chart, and use it. 

I then tried to prepare the print document for the roller towel, to the stage where all that has to be adjusted is the colour, and the document was slow saving, then ran out of space on the disk.

Finally, the traffic on the way home was appalling and it took 2 hours to drive home.

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