Tuesday, 11 February 2014

And a new plan

Jam Covers

Look up dutch jumper collection - e book
Try stab stitching transparent covers together
Investigate photo book.

Roller Towels

Create design for cake making and shepherds pie
Create design for all different utensils in one line
Create design for different utensils in random allover pattern
Lift textured marks from monoprint samples
Work out series of numbers/words/phrases to apply to roller towels

Part of the Furniture

Collage drawings onto photos of chair/stool
Create repeat patterns using multiple kitchen objects
Look up Mark Titchner

Also, having spoken to Freddie Robins, external examiner, today, she commented that as a group we were not good at using scale, colour or finding an appropriate use of ground fabric.  While I agree with this, certainly in relation to my own work, I don't think we have ever been taught anything about these subjects, and at present I am trying to do something comparatively simply, very well.  Adding colour and scale into my mix would just confuse things, I think.  There was also an extended conversation with Freddie about pattern making.  I don't think any of the class have done a pattern making module, which I find to be a significant omission from our course, although I covered this ground in Perth.  I was trying to focus on the single object and use it well, but feel I am being directed towards repeat pattern both by my tutors and external circumstance.

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