I have worked diligently on the jam jar covers and now have 44! Almost enough to do something with! I would need 49 to create a 7 x 7 grid. But enough have been done for today. At present, they are uncut and unironed.
Handle fixing on mincer |
Bowl of mincer |
Handle of mincer |
Mincing disc |
Profile of mincing discs |
Fixing of mincer handle |
Lemon squeezer |
Lemon squeezer with pouring spout |
Maurice and I had a lovely trip to London to go to a couple of exhibitions. I had already been to the Elizabeth I exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery but needed to see it again to draw the Elizabethan jacket that was embroidered all over with blackwork. I thought it was amazing the first time I saw it, but when I came to draw it, it was even more astonishing. Maurice enjoyed the exhibition but his focus was on the minatures and maps, which had completely passed me by the first time.
Then we went on to the Art Under Attack exhibition at Tate Britain. This had examples of destruction of stonework under the Reformation, destruction of artworks by the Suffragettes and aesthetic destruction by people like the Chapman brothers (this bit left me cold). The best piece in show, for me, was a modern poster by Kate Davis 2011. She had found, in a library archive, a pamphlet written by Christabel Pankhurst, which had had the portrait on the front scratched out. She had had it enlarged to poster size, commenting that the original pamphlet had been maintain in its defaced condition, whereas artworks (such as the Rokeby Venus) which had been vandalised by the Suffragettes had been lovingly and expensively restored. This was symbolic of the relative worth given to the defaced and the defacer, depending on the value placed upon the message behind the object.
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