I was drawing a simple water tumbler. On the first image, it was a blank background, then the second had one random piece of found paper, the third had 2, and the fourth had 3.
All four shown together |
.8 fine liner on plain paper |
.8 marker with one piece of found paper |
.3 marker with two pieces of found paper |
.3 marker with 3 pieces of found paper |
.3 fine line marker |
With yellow acrylic paint |
With red watercolour |
With blue acrylic paint |
With a piece of torn found paper. Atlas sea map is a good link with a water glass. |
Watercolour wash over white crayon |
With a tiny wash of grey |
Handwriting is not working. Information is important. Typescript is anonymous and would support focus on message, not handwriting.
Measure in either minutes or hours. Or seconds. Do not combine measures.
Bar code. Lines of type to link with a barcode.
Blow up bar code to grainy. Look up up bar code art.
Are you measuring product or labour?
Consider different fonts. Recipe books fonts from Mrs Beeton.
Match script quality to drawing quality. (This is a compliment!!)
Long line on tape.
Consider message/meaning.
How to label?
Stuck on?
Tie on?
What is the message off labelling?
Bar code size.
Exquisitely effective
Consider an implement normally kept hidden in process
Waxed discs and cellophanes
Work on circles.
Positioning of images
Don't pink edges
Pieced fabric
Creases look good (!) so they can be seen to have been used
Just the jar covers
Display as a grid
Right number of jars
Batch numbers
Grid of cellophanes on wall plus one empty jar.
Consider Time
Badge of honour
Words for heroes
Label in the form of a medal
Jam font
Jam lids and labels
Get square sketchbook
Draw lots of labels.
Thank you team! You are heroes for sharing so freely!!
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