For the last week I have struggled with my design work. I have forced myself to work on developing pattern from my pomegranates, and it is pedestrian and naff. So rather than sit and moan about my difficulties, lack of attendance at uni due to snowy weather preventing me driving and feelings of isolation, I decided to focus on what was going well so far.
The hand drawn pomegranates printed well at increased scale, up to 50cm across. So I have cut up the large sample of multiple prints, ready to assemble into size graded sample books. Before binding the sample books, I laid a couple of prints across my dining room chairs and taped them in position, before photographing them. The digital printer definitely prints subtle colour changes very well, and increases the scale effectively. So I will now prepare digital copy at about 120cm wide, to print onto fabric, to see what happens when images are increased to that scale. Digital print works well with large scale enlargements and I feel I have mastered this design point.
Another idea I had was to create a densely patterned fabric (lots of overlapping poms) to use as a lining fabric for a hand knitted throw for the back of the settee. I started a aran throw in rust wool, and photographed it in situ. Unfortunately I then decided that it was a bit tight on tension, and the pattern needed a bit of adjustment, so I had to undo 2 balls of knitting. But at least I feel as if I am able to visualise the application of my printed fabric, even if I need a couple of tries before the pattern is right. And I can demonstrate the diversity of skills where I am competent, even if my print pattern making is frustrating at present.
Where I have been trying to simplify my own designs in pattern making, I have an idea for simple pom coloured shapes printed onto silk velvet, then over-printed with devore to give a dual effect. Not sure how well this would work, but I'd like to experiment. As silk velvet is so expensive, maybe a row of 12" printed poms could be printed - a sort of scarf length? Even so I would have to pay for half a metre wind-on. Because the pattern making is so frustrating at present I want to explore aspects of digital print where I think I can achieve something, to improve my confidence and motivation (which, at present, is in the doldrums!).
The idea of making poms into simple shapes, came to me while waiting for Jim at the local hospital. He has had some skin cancers taken off his leg, and while waiting for him at the check-up clinic, I read some ancient Ideal Home magazines, and discreetly ripped out some pages that had relevant design ideas. Probably not the behaviour to impress the hospital staff, but it perked me up a bit. These are now in my sketchbook, suitably annotated!
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